Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Welcome to the new blog. As I sit here and type this it is my 46 birthday today. I'm on the downhill slide to 50!. I am not a writer, but I do like to write. Maybe not so coherently but none the less I write for my own personal needs.

I decided last night ...finally to revamp my old blog. Ok I changed the name and deleted all the old post...a whole 2. Might as well chronicle my life the best I can on how I feel about it, film photography and what others think...the hell with what they's my choice and coffee!

I  shoot film and digital. Film is more for my own needs to stay sane and have a bit of creativity with certain limits that are imposed with film and the cameras used.  I prefer film. Not everyone agrees, but it's my choice not theirs.

Also I drink way to much coffee...thanks military service...never drank it before then. Love my coffee!!!!

I don't have a lot to say today, so I'll leave with this photo of the Fort Worth Modern Art Museum at night.

Kodak Ektar | EOS3


  1. Nice to read that someone loves film photography and coffee. You're in good company!

  2. Happy birthday! Nice to see someone else blog about life and photography (I do that too) :)

  3. Film photography & Coffee, my two best friends. I'm in


The end of this year!

Hello All!,  Yes it has been awhile since the last post...LIFE does that stuff to you. School Work Family . . That's pretty mu...